"Joe Gallant's works of art are tranquil treasures." -Cape Cod Life Publications
Falmouth Art Center-- Sat., Mar.. 1, 9:30am to 12:30pm. Details and registration at https://falmouthart,org
Cotuit Center for the Arts-- Sat, Feb.22, 9:30am to 12:30pm. Details and registration at https://artsonthecape.org
Cape Cod Museum of Art--- Wed., March 12, 9;30am to 12:30pm. Details and registration at www.ccmoa.org
Sandwich Arts Alliance-- Sat., Apr. 19, 9:30am to 12:30pm. Details and registration at www.sandwichartsalliance.org
Contact Joe at 774-313-0916 if you have questions about the Big Brush Painting Workshops or if you are interested in Big Brush Painting Workshops or demonstrations for your organization.