East Sandwich Signed Print and Notecards
"Above Sandy Neck," Original 20x20" oil painting by Joe Gallant is sold
20x20x1.5" oil painting by Cape Cod artist Joe Gallant is sold
Cuttyhunk Island Beyond Woods Hole, 24x24 acrylic is available
Cuttyhunk is one of the Elizabeth Islands chain off Woods Hole.
Provincetown Texture- Original 24x24" oil available
24x24x1.5": oil painting by Cape Cod artist Joe Gallant
Summer Light-- 40x30x1.5" acrylic by Joe Gallant
This beautiful acrylic painting will be entered in the Kershaw Juried Exhibition 8/16 thru 9/24. The painting is available for purchase.

Big Brush Painting Workshops with Joe Gallant

(Certified Grumbacher instructor)

Learn How to Paint in One Day!  Beginners and more experienced painters welcome. 

Falmouth Art Center--  Sat., Mar.. 1, 9:30am to 12:30pm.  Details and registration at https://falmouthart,org 

Cotuit Center for the Arts--  Sat, Feb.22, 9:30am to 12:30pm.  Details and registration at https://artsonthecape.org

Cape Cod Museum of Art--- Wed., March 12, 9;30am to 12:30pm.  Details and registration at www.ccmoa.org

Sandwich Arts Alliance--  Sat., Apr. 19, 9:30am to 12:30pm.  Details and registration at www.sandwichartsalliance.org

Contact Joe at 774-313-0916 if you have questions about the Big Brush Painting Workshops or if you are interested in Big Brush Painting Workshops or demonstrations for your organization.